About A Dog Photography. Dog photography. The photography of dogs.
Specifically the photography of your dog!

Based in St. Cloud, Minnesota and available to travel to wherever you and your dog are - including the Twin Cites, the North Shore, southern Minnesota...
heck if you're going to Hawaii I'll join you for an exotic beach session!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Getting Older

Not sure what I wanted to post about, so I started to think about last night. I had settled into the couch with my sketchpad for a dragon drawing session, with a space between myself and my boyfriend. The space was one cushion in width, which is plenty if you are a doughnut dog like Axle or Mick. Not so much if you are Princess Fatty Fat Icey.

Last night Mick was the couch dog. He's a snuggler, always has been and is happiest laying some part of himself on the nearest part of me. This time it was my leg. Normally I continue on whatever project I'm working on, though last night I paused and paid attention to Mick. His muzzle is starting to grey, he has a pair of fatty tumors - one on the lower side of his ribs, the other on his belly. They have shown up in the past year and haven't gotten smaller. Nor do they bother Mick. He still runs, chases, and wrestles with Axle, chases squirrels and kitties and performs all of his tricks for a treat like the best of them. Last night, he had a little wheeze while he was settling in on my knee, and I began to realize just how old he had gotten. It was fall of 2006 when I first fell in love with Mick, adopting him in October of that year. He has been the best buddy I've had since.

Then I got to thinking today that somewhere I had pictures of Mick from when I had first adopted him. Which I do, though the amount of digging I have to do - egads I'm super bad at file naming! And not to mention I have a bazillion bazillion pictures in a bazillion more folders!!! But I did manage to find some from the earlier days.

And what a change!
Mick at approx 1 year and now at approx 8
(approx as Mick was originally a stray before I adopted him)
And because Princess Fatty Fat Icey has a birthday coming up, I did a set for her as well!
Icey at 1 year and now at almost 7
Writing this makes me wish I was home, snuggly with my gang. And having the pictures makes me glad that I can look back on how small both Icey and Mick once were and how much they've changed!

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